Evoke an emotion
How my art is perceived, and what
emotions it evokes, is left to the eye
of the beholder.
I believe that all creators put a part of their soul into their works. Regardless of whether you create paintings, sculptures, music or film. What the viewer is moved by is when they sense that energy. They are touched by the soul of the artist and a part of their soul is ignited.
I think I’ve always unconsciously created human forms in one way or another. I believe it’s because I appreciate forms and how they appeal to us. Some people experienced that the sculptures are in a yoga pose and others that they express vulnerability or anxiety. My intention isn't really the important thing. When it comes to how my art is perceived, and what emotions it evokes, I leave that to the eye of the beholder. Art is for everyone and all I want is to evoke some kind of emotion. If you get the urge to feel the shapes I’ve created, then I think I’ve succeeded, it should invite you to do that.